A normal life wanted

Yes I admit, I do want a normal life with a good job, decent working hours and a really fun social crowed. I am not the homemake it´s not in my nature. With that said I love my children. But I just don´t want to be a home mom. We are all different and that…

Looking your best from the inside out!

It start with our self image! are you looking your best? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you have issues that bothers you? Are you doing anything about it? Probably not because you are very much involved in a thing called life, which spins faster for everyday. . When I lost my job,…

New week, new opportunities, or ??

Starting of fresh with a will stronger than anything. Anything is possible I keep telling my self. Your time will come when the time is right and so on. Hmmm, well it still works but it is hard to stay focused and motivated and I find my self thinking, what is it that I need…

Past40 it´s time to reflect

Who am I? What role model do I want to set for my children? I am finally comfortable in who I am, I have landed after being somewhat confused for close to a decade. I do what I please, I stopped hanging around negative people. Negative peoples energy is like the plague, it multiplies by…

Loosing it!

Loosing one self!In late May I was called in to my boss room for what I thought was a quick chat. Less than an hour later my life had changed completely. After 14 years working on a carrear my position was no longer existing.  How could that be? I keep telling My self it was…

Jobsearching my way to a perfect body

Well what can I say, I am looking for a job. A really good one, one that deserve me! That is the way I am approaching it. The job should find me and the company should be so happy to have me as one of their employees. I am manifesting here guys big time!  And…