Detoxing like never before

Monday! slept for 3 hrs, feels like I have a hangover! I just had one of these nights where sleeping does not seam to be an option. I am off to an job interview this morning so the timing was awful. Is aid I  would go on a detox this week so here it starts.

I started the day of with lemon water, and some coffee, I know, coffee was not good, but I needed it badly, and I only had half a cup, I have no issues with blodsugar wish I am truly happy for and I can go without food forever without it affecting me. So off I went to the job interview and it went really well. Most interviews does, but you never know, there are probably tons of people applying for this role. There is only one issue though this company is located far from where I live and it takes me an hour to get there oneway. But regardless, It always feels good when they want to see you for an interview.

My detox regime is avoiding sugar, meat, and if I can coffee. Exercise at least 5 times a week just to get the circulation moving. I start every morning with some exfoliating, I wear  gloves and exfoliate before I entering the shower. I visited an Hamam in Africa and I must say the experience was absolutely adorable. I was treated with a scrub from a local “Hamam lady”  it really hurt when she scrub me but, my skin was soft as a baby bum for several of weeks after the treatment. So I figure I will continue to scrub my body every other day to try to maintain the softness. Sorry to say that my skin is not as soft as it was after the treatment in Africa, but it´s soft! and I am happy

With this I also hope other things will fall in to place in my life, things I have not yet figure out.

So wish me good luck everyone!


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